Argentina Buys Natural Gas From Chile...

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Bolivia has no additional capacity to Supply more gas this winter at $3.60 MMBTU, The HIRED gasification ships in Escobar and Bahia Blanca also have no additional capacity.

So ironically after Chile invested billions to build 3 mega pipelines to connect Chile and Argentina, in 2004 Nestor K decided to suspend exports to Chile breaking all clauses of interruptible contracts, with heavy penalties clauses under international Courts (never met).

Chile in the meantime Built a billion dollar Natural Gas Gasification plant in Mejillones, which now has excess capacity and can gasify Compressed Gas from South East Asia, to sell to argentina at over US$7 per MMBTU
Rich One:
Absolutely! I hope that Nestor is turning over in his "masuleo" in Santa Cruz on this news.Even more so after Baezr refused to continue its maintenance and sent the keys back to Kristina.As a frequent visitor to Chile for over 30 years fewer things have given me as much satisfaction as to see once again how foreward planning and countercyclical economic policies have helped Chile achieve the most solid economy in South America..The commodity slump is hitting then a little hard at the moment with unemployment reaching about 9%.However, gov't plans to stimulate jobs in other areas are in the offing.Chile has weathered these downturns before.
I heard (haven't looked it up as I can't be arsed) that the Bolivian gas supplied was far smaller than the contract.
I foresee a woodstove-smuggling ring soon and ore illegal logging in Patagonia. These stoves are used almost exclusively in Chile and cost double in Argentina.